Monday, February 7, 2011

I Am of Many

It's not uncommon for human beings to daydream. Often times these dreams are what push people through the day. We let out minds wander off into some abyss, imagining scenarios that are never possible or even some that are within our grasp. We dream of playing in Super Bowls or flying down the half-pipe in the X-games. We dream about being president or the decisions we'd make if we were in charge. Being Hollywood actors or famous writers are also common places we explorer. However, there is also another sort of element that comes into play in our dreams sometimes. These are realistic, achievable dreams that we strive to achieve. They are the basis off what we live our lives. Maybe it's as simple as to make a moderate living  and leave our kids with minimal worries. (Which is no simple dream at all.) Or maybe it is to remodel a home, to learn the art of fine cuisine, or maybe even graduate college.

A dream of mine is to overcome my fickleness. My indecisive nature that has often times lead to confusion or regret is enough to make me go mad. This is not my only one of course but this one quality that I possess, makes all other dreams quite trying. I wander in my mind, day to day, and try to decide what it is I'll become. Like a young child who still dreams of the endless, I too, create so many goals that most seem unobtainable. One day I want to be a high school basketball coach, the next I want to go live in Colorado and build my life around snowboarding. After that I decide I want to train horses and spend my time roping. If not that, then I want to play guitar in a band that just barely gets by but is still playing music. Sure these are simple dreams for the most part. But to achieve them all seems a little unrealistic. This is the problem that I am faced with, since I am interested in so many things. I, by no means, excel at anything. I'm actually mediocrity at its finest, when pertaining to most of the aforementioned goals. But that doesn't mean I want to do them any less. I think if I was to let go of this fickleness, then maybe I could set one goal and work hard to accomplish it. But that sounds too boring. Is everyone like this? They want to do so many different things that they go through their entire life in a complex?

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